As our families grow and change it can become really easy to get out of the habit of taking yearly family photos. For some families yearly family photos are nonnegotiable. For others it can get more and more tricky as their kids get older and more involved in extracurricular activities, friends, jobs, schooling etc It makes it harder and harder to find a time to get everyone together to take a family photo. So it starts to get out of habit to do them yearly. But I want to let you in on a little secret, you are going to want those family photos to look back on even when your kids are grown, busy, and going a million different directions. It makes them that more special when you can get everyone together to take them because it can be a rare thing sometimes. I always recommend finding a time in the year when you know for a fact that things are slower, everyone is going to have a few days home that you can count on and schedule a session the same time each year. Everyone knows when to expect it, when to plan for it, and hopefully look forward to it too. Family pictures are important and making the time for them is priceless.