Senior sessions are the BEST. I love that I get to take them all year round. You don’t have to wait until closer to graduation to get your senior photos taken. If your favorite season is fall, book a fall session. If you are an avid snowboarder or just love the snow, book a session in the winter. I can take your senior photos with whatever backdrop you’ve always dreamed and hoped for. This sweet babe looks amazing in these beautiful fall colors. Doesn’t it just bring out her gorgeous eyes!!

I love when seniors come with some outfit changes or props that are special to them. Some seniors bring their letterman jackets, sports equipment, cheer uniforms, or even their favorite pair of shoes. Whatever it is that makes you feel important, makes you feel accomplished, or something you simply want to show off. I’d love to captures those memories for you in your senior photos. You’re only are a senior once and I want to make sure we are able to memorialize who you are in this amazing last year of high school!

 Seniors…. you are a group of students that will go down in history as some of the strongest, most loving, determined and understanding classes our country has ever seen.  I can’t wait to capture you and bring your light to this crazy year.

Cheers to the class of 20-21!