So many families are in the stage of life where they have littles and are worried about trying to take family pictures. Now I totally  understand this concern. There are times that our kids might not feeling it, are tired, hungry, have some stranger danger radar, or literally just don’t want to do what were doing. But I also know that family pictures are important and sometimes we have to push through the hard to get what we want. I also know that I have been doing this for years and have so many tricks and tips to work through a session when your little one might not want to participate or cooperate. In the end we will still be able to get some great photographs with your sweet babes. And if anything else you’ll always remember that one year that little bobby or sally joe was three and family pictures wasn’t their thing. Its a real look into your life during this specific chapter.  Sometimes that might not look exactly what you were hoping for but it’ll always be worth it every single time. And don’t’ worry I train all of my assistance so they know how to work the little kiddo magic too!

This beautiful winter family session was photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Lindzee.