Spring sports season is in full swing and there are so  many kiddos out there doing what they love, trying new things, and playing a sport or doing an extra curricular activity that fuels their fire. I have always believed that there is something for everybody, it might just take time to find your passion. It could be sports, arts, music, cooking, reading, video games, puzzles, rodeo, gardening etc Once you find something that you really love then it is so fulfilling to go out and enjoy that activity. Photography does that for me and I love everything about it. Finding joy and passion in life makes it so much more fun. Having Kyle on the Simply Shelby team has added a whole new creative mind, one of which includes highlighting extra curricular activities, likes sports. He held basketball sessions last month and I think they turned out so good! I love how different his sessions are and what he brings to the team.

Simply Shelby by Kyle was the photographer for these sports sessions.

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